Armenian Relief Society Western Region Celebrates 35th Anniversary

On Saturday, March 9, 2019, the Armenian Relief Society of the Western U.S. celebrated its 35th anniversary with a gala held at the Glendale Hilton. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended the celebration, delivered the invocation and his message. Among those in attendance were ARF Central Committee member Garo Madenlian, Executive Council members Meher Der Ohanessian and George Chorbajian, members of the ARS Central, Regional, and local chapters, representatives of community organizations, and sponsors. Among the dignitaries in attendance were federal, state, and city elected officials, who presented proclamations to the ARS on this occasion.

The program began with welcoming remarks by the MC, Arshalous Darbinyan, followed by the anthems by Anahit Nersisyan.

The Prelate lauded the indispensable mission of the ARS and conveyed his blessings and commendation to former and current Regional Executives and all the faithful members who selflessly and lovingly serve the needs of the less fortunate through the organization’s humanitarian, social, health, and educational services under the guidance of subsequent Central Executives. His Eminence specially commended the extensive and exemplary service and contributions of the evening’s honoree Jasik Jarahian to the ARS, community, and beyond.

Remarks were delivered by Vicky Marashlian on behalf of the gala committee, Maral Matossian on behalf of the Central Executive, and Silva Poladian on behalf of the Regional Executive. Guests viewed a slideshow featuring former Regional Executive boards, sponsors, and candle-lighters. Longtime ARS member and Western Region office manager Jasik Jarahian was recognized for her over 30 years of service, highlights of which were compiled into a slideshow.

The program concluded with the candle lighting ceremony and cake cutting, after which the evening continued with musical entertainment.

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