ARS Saturday School Students Celebrate the Eve of Great Lent

On Saturday, March 2nd, 2019, ARS Saturday School students gathered at Armenian Sisters’ Academy in Montrose to collectively celebrate the eve of Great Lent. The event was organized by the Saturday Schools’ Board.

By the ordinance of the Prelate, Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian attended and spoke to the young students about the meaning and traditions of the eve of Great Lent as well as commended the worthy mission of the ARS.

In attendance were ARS Regional Executive member Maral Touloumian and members of the Saturday Schools’ board, on behalf of which Dr. Souzy Ohanian delivered welcoming remarks. Board member Linda Kandilian served as the MC.

The cultural program presented by the students featured recitations, song and dance bringing to life the works of our literary and musical greats and the spirit of the eve of Great Lent.

In conclusion, board member Sona Madarian commended the students for their performances, the parents who entrust their children to the care of the ARS, and the teachers for their dedicated service.

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