2015 News Archives

Weekly News – December 31, 2015

PRELATE TO PRESIDE OVER FIRST DIVINE LITURGY OF THE NEW YEAR AT FORTY MARTYRS CHURCH IN ORANGE COUNTY On Sunday, January 3, 2016, the Prelate will preside over the first Divine Liturgy of the New Year at Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County, where he will also deliver the sermon. Following the service, the Prelate […]

Prelate and Clergy Pay Christmas Visit to Ararat Home

On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and clergy paid a visit to Ararat Home in Mission Hills to convey their felicitations and spread cheer to the administration, faculty, and residents on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas. The visit began at the Skilled Nursing Facility. Prior to the service, […]

Prelate Presides over Feast of St. Stephen Commemoration at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino

On Saturday, December 26, 2015, the Armenian Apostolic Church observed the Feast of St. Stephen the proto-deacon and proto-martyr. On Sunday, December 27, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered his sermon exalting the life and legacy of St. Stephen at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Divine Liturgy was celebrated by […]

Western Prelacy Mourns Passing of Executive Council Member Vahrij Pilavjian

It is with deep sorrow that the Western Prelacy mourns the passing of Executive Council member Vahrij Pilavjian, which occurred on Monday, December 28, 2015 following a brief illness. Mr. Pilavjian had served within our community for many years as a delegate of Holy Martyrs Church, member of Ferrahian School Board, and member of the […]

Weekly News – December 24, 2015

PRELATE TO PRESIDE OVER DIVINE LITURGY AT HOLY MARTYRS CHURCH IN ENCINO On Saturday, December 26, 2015, the Armenian Apostolic Church will observe the Feast of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr and first deacon, which is also a celebration of deacons and altar servers.buy sinequan online https://medstaff.englewoodhealth.org/wp-content/languages/new/buynoprescription/sinequan-no-prescription.html no prescription The legacy of St. Stephen will be […]

Tavlian School Christmas Program

On the afternoon of Sunday, December 20, 2015, the young students of Levon and Hasmig Tavlian Pre-School presented a festive Christmas program at the Armenian Center in Pasadena in celebration of the upcoming New Year and Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended and conveyed […]

Support the SARF Telethon

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2) Dear faithful, It has been almost five years since the start of the war in Syria and there is no end in sight. The innocent civilians caught in the crossfire continue to suffer extreme hardship and are in dire need of our […]

Prelate’s New Year and Christmas Message

THE SON OF MAN CAME NOT TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE The festive Christmas season is upon us, a most joyous time which evokes deep in our hearts and souls feelings of love, merriment, harmony, and above all, gratitude for the Birth and Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is truly […]

Weekly News – December 18, 2015

PRELATE TO PRESIDE OVER DIVINE LITURGY AT HOLY CROSS CATHEDRAL IN MONTEBELLO On Sunday, December 20, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello. *** ARF 125TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HOSTED BY THE ARS On Saturday, December 12, a 125th anniversary of the […]

Chamlian First Grade Students Pay Christmas Visit to the Prelacy

On Thursday, December 17, 2015, Vahan and Anoush Chamlian first grade students paid a visit to the Prelacy where they had a Christmas lesson from H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and conveyed New Year and Christmas well wishes to His Eminence. The Prelate was joined by Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian. The students were accompanied by […]

Syrian Armenian Community Activist Nerses Sarkissian Visits the Prelacy

On Wednesday, December 16, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, welcomed the visit of Dr. Nerses Sarkissian, member of the ARF Central Committee of Syria and of the Syrian Armenian Committee for Urgent Relief and Rehabilitation, who is currently touring communities in the Eastern and Western United States to present the situation in Syria. Dr. […]

Board of Regents Representatives Meet with Prelate and Executive Council

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015, representatives of the recently appointed Board of Regents paid a visit to the Prelacy to receive the blessings and guidance of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and the Executive Council at the commencement of their new responsibilities. The delegation was headed by Board of Regents Chair Mrs. Lisa Gaboudian, and […]

85th Anniversary of the Establishment of Sunday Schools

On Sunday, December 13, 2015, members of the Prelacy family, clergy, councils, Sunday Schools’ directors, teachers, parents, and students gathered at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the establishment of Sunday Schools. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over the celebration, which was organized by the Western Prelacy Sunday Schools’ […]

Prelate Pays Pastoral Visit to Fresno Parish Community

Last weekend the Prelate paid a year-end pastoral visit to the Holy Trinity Church community of Fresno where he held meetings with parish representatives to review the endeavors of the past year, discuss their future plans and projects, and convey his well wishes on the occasion of the upcoming New Year and Christmas celebrations. On […]

Mesrobian School Students Visit the Prelacy

On Thursday, December 10, 2015, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, welcomed the visit of Mesrobian School elementary, middle, and high school students, who had come to receive his blessings ahead of the New Year and Christmas. The students were accompanied by Principal David Ghoogasian and teachers. The Prelate was joined by Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian […]

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