Chamlian School Students Pay Homage to our Martyrs at the Western Prelacy Armenian Genocide Monument

In commemoration of the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, the student body of Vahan and Anoush Chamlian School visited the Western Prelacy to pay homage to our 1.5 million martyrs by placing flowers at the Armenian Genocide Monument at the Prelacy courtyard. The visit was part of Genocide Remembrance Day designated by the School administration. Prior to arriving at the Prelacy, the students received Holy Communion and planted trees in the School courtyard. Wearing March for Justice t-shirts, the students, accompanied by Principal Dr. Talin Kargodorian, Vice-Principal Mrs. Rita Kaprielian, teachers, and parents, walked to the Prelacy where they were greeted by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian, Archpriest Fr. Vazken Atmajian, and Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Torossian.

The program included intercessory prayers, recitations, and remarks by the School’s Armenian Club representatives who affirmed their commitment to pursuing our cause and our rights until Turkey accepts responsibility and justice is served. Prelacy staff member Deacon Christapor Mikayelian briefly spoke to the students about the changing tide during the 50th anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide which resulted in the construction of the memorial monuments in Bikfaya and Dzidzernagapert, the reproductions of which make up the Prelacy monument, and of the impetus our cause has gained following the Centennial commemorations. He reminded the students also of the importance of speaking and promoting our language, history, and culture, as part of our cause.

The Prelate delivered his message to all the groups, first noting that the monument before them is as much a symbol of the sacrifice of our holy martyrs as it is a testament to our survival and struggle. “Turkey tried to annihilate the Armenian people; but we were reborn, and you, our students here before us, are a testament to our rebirth and to their failure,” stated the Prelate, who went on to say that though we have an independent nation, the legacy our forefathers bequeathed is that of a greater Armenia, and we will continue until we recover the entirety of our lands and our rights. His Eminence thanked God for the resurrection of our nation, stressed that every Armenian has a part to play in the advancement of our nation and cause, and expressed confidence that the students will participate in the March for Justice on April 24 and continue to raise their voices for justice

Fr. Torkom sang the hymn dedicated to our holy martyrs, which was followed by intercessory prayers. The programs each concluded with the Benediction and Lord’s Prayer.

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