Diaconate Picnic on the Occasion of the Feast of Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

On Saturday, July 10, 2021, under the leadership and attendance of H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, a Diaconate picnic was held at Brace Canyon Park in Burbank. The picnic was organized by the Western Prelacy’s Deacon and Stole-bearer Assembly, which is directed by Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian.

The picnic had a warm fraternal atmosphere, in which the deacons and stole-bearers prayed, conversed and experienced unforgettable moments of friendship with the Prelate and the Clergy. Bishop Donoyan meditated with the deacons and said; “The greatest pleasure for every devout servant is to serve God, the greatest happiness is to serve in the Church, and the greatest victory of all is to know God.”

Referring to the meaning of human existence on earth, the Prelate addressed the deacons; “We are all blessed by God, for we have been given an opportunity from Heaven to grow and to flourish spiritually through the service we all bring as bishop, priest or deacon, for the glory of Jesus Christ.”

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