Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water at Ararat Home on the Occasion of the New Year and Christmas

On Thursday, January 2, 2019, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, accompanied by H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, and clergy members, paid their first visit of the New Year to Ararat Home in Mission Hills to convey well wishes and the good tidings of Christmas to the administration, staff, and residents.

The visit began at the Nursing Facility. The Prelate first and foremost conveyed his New Year and Christmas greetings and blessings to all, wishing good health and for the Christmas message and spirit of love and peace to take hold in people’s hearts. His Eminence then conducted the Christmas blessing service, which featured special hymns dedicated to the feast, and the blessing of water symbolizing the baptism of Christ. Board of Trustees Chair Joseph Kanimian served as Godfather of the cross. Residents received Holy Communion at the conclusion of the service.

Mr. Kanimian expressed gratitude to the Prelate and clergy for their regular visits, care, and prayers, wished all a happy new year, and presented a gift to His Eminence. The Prelate commended the devoted service of Mr. Kanimian and the Board of Trustees, as well as of Chief Operating Officer Mr. Derik Ghookasian, and presented mementos to both. He commended and presented a memento also to Director of Nursing Susan Yeranyan, who was named 2019 “Nurse of the Year” by the California Association of Health Facilities.

Divine Liturgy followed at the Sheen Memorial Chapel, celebrated by Rev. Fr. Arsen Kassabian, who also delivered the sermon in which he invited the faithful to become renewed by the message of Christmas. The Prelate thereafter conducted the blessing of water, with Board of Trustees Vice-Chair Ron Nazeley serving as Godfather of the Cross. The service concluded with the singing of “Great and marvelous mystery” and “Cilicia.”

A luncheon hosted by the administration followed. In attendance were Mr. Kanimian, Mr. Nazeley, members Peter Darakjian and Maggie Mangassarian-Goschin, Mr. Ghookasian, Assisted Living Facility administrator Rita Noravian, and members of the administration. Mr. Kanimian once again conveyed New Year well wishes. The Prelate delivered closing remarks once more commending the Ararat Home family for their compassionate service, and on this occasion presented a memento to Ms. Noravian. He concluded by reiterating his wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful new year.


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