On Monday, April 2nd, Easter Memorial Day, requiem service was held at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills “Hall of Liberty” and Forest Lawn Glendale “Church of the Recessional.” Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, delivered the day’s message. The Prelate offered a prayer for the martyrs of the four-day Artsakh war as the day coincided with the 2nd anniversary of the war. Afterward, the Blessing of the Four Corners of the World (Antasdan) service was conducted in the courtyard.
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The service concluded with Cilicia and the Armenian national anthem.
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On the Occasion of the Centenary of the Holy Cross Armenian Parish, Montebello
PRELATE’S MESSAGE OF BLESSING With cordial Christian love and justifiable national pride, on behalf of the Western Prelacy, we greet... [...]