Feast of the Holy Resurrection Filled the Souls of Thousands with Joy within the Western Prelacy

On Sunday, April 17, 2022, within all the churches of the Western Prelacy, the Feast of the Holy Resurrection was solemnly celebrated and greatly contributed to the flourishing of the spiritual life of thousands of Armenians, because on that day our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead. On this occasion, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered his Easter message at St. Mary’s Armenian Church in Glendale. The Pastors of St. Mary’s Armenian Church assisted during the Liturgy.

Bishop Donoyan began his message by stating; “It is the greatest news of all that is heard in our lives today. A message that will not grow old, that will not become untimely, that after many hundreds of years will be heard with the same spiritual joy, the message of ‘Christ is risen from the dead.’” In response to the Prelates announcement, more than a thousand faithful within the church answered; “Blessed is the Resurrection of our Lord” and continued listening to his message, which was based on the hope of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Prelate also instructed all present to look up to heaven in their worst moments and to pray incessantly for strength and endurance, beseeching the Creator and implore the faithful to repeat him by saying; “I believe in God, Jesus is my hope, I love all Armenians.”

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