North Hollywood Parish Celebrates 6th Anniversary

On Sunday, January 4, 2015, the North Hollywood parish celebrated the 6th anniversary of its establishment with Episcopal Divine Liturgy and blessing of madagh conducted by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. His Eminence was assisted at the altar by parish pastor Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian. Faithful in attendance included Executive Council members Mr. Antranik Kasbarian and Mrs. Therese Kemanjian. During the service, the Prelate blessed the new chalice and paten donated by Baghdik Ekmekjian in memory of his parents.

During the sermon, the Prelate first greeted and congratulated the pastor, board members, and parish family on their 6th anniversary celebration and wished them continued successes for years to come. His Eminence spoke about Christmas, which was to be celebrated the following two days, stating that God gave man the greatest blessing and gift of His Son Jesus Christ to show us the way to live in His ideal example. The Birth of Christ is the greatest demonstration of love, of God’s immense love toward man. It also brings a message of faith and obedience, of humility and service, ideals which must guide our lives in the example of Christ, Who fully submitted to the will of His Father throughout His earthly life, concluded His Eminence.

The Prelate conducted the blessing of madagh at the conclusion of the service.

A New Year and Christmas reception followed in the Church hall, during which Sunday School students reenacted the Nativity of Christ through hymns and psalms. The Prelate commended and blessed the students and parents and conveyed his well wishes to all for a happy new year.

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