Sunday, April 7, 2013, the first Sunday after Easter or New Sunday, was a special day for the North Hollywood parish community as it marked the fourth anniversary of its establishment with Divine Liturgy celebrated by the H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate. Parish Pastor Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian assisted at the altar.
The Prelate’s sermon centered on the message of renewal and new life granted by the Resurrection of Christ. The Prelate recounted the events that followed in the days after His Resurrection. In the forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to His students and disciples, preparing them to spread the Gospel. Following His arrest, torture, crucifixion, and even after His Resurrection, the disciples were in a state of fear and unbelief. They were assembled in the Upper Room in prayer when suddenly Jesus appeared in front of them and showed them His wounds. The disciples were startled and frightened but soon rejoiced in joy and amazement when they realized it was their Lord. And Jesus called on them to go out to all the peoples of the world and spread the Gospel, forgive sins, and baptize them in the name of the Holy Trinity. The disciples later described the occurrence to Thomas, who was absent. Thomas expressed doubt and stated that he would not believe unless he saw the nail marks in His hands and touched His hands and side. Eight days later, when the disciples were once again gathered in the Upper Room, Jesus came and stood among them and told Thomas to touch His wounds and stop doubting. Only then did Thomas believe and confess, “My Lord and My God”.
The first Sunday after Easter is called New Sunday or Second Easter because it is a time for re-celebration, to once again proclaim the victory of life over death and glorify His Resurrection. And just as Jesus appeared to His disciples in that Upper Room and filled their hearts and spirits with joy, He is with us today, stated the Prelate. His Eminence announced that within our Prelacy, New Sunday was being dedicated to children. Thus, he urged parents to cultivate our faith and values in their children and noted that Sunday School students were attending Divine Liturgy on this day to be enlightened by the light of the Resurrection. In conclusion, the Prelate congratulated the parish on its fourth anniversary and conveyed his blessings to all the volunteers and parishioners, wishing that they have their own church and permanent pastor in the near future.
At the conclusion of the service, the celebration continued with a luncheon featuring a cultural program by Sunday School students. Welcoming remarks were delivered by Board of Trustees Chair Mrs. Seta Tarpinian and Delegate Mr. Khatchig Titizian. On behalf of the parish community Fr. Muron presented the Prelate with a memento.
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The Prelate commended Fr. Muron, Delegates, Board of Trustees, Ladies Guild, Sunday School teachers, altar servers and choir members, and all the volunteers who serve for the advancement of the parish. The luncheon came to a close with the Prelate’s benediction and the Cilician anthem.