Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer Held in Prelacy Churches

On Sunday, July 1st, 2018, the 23rd anniversary of the election and consecration of His Holiness Aram I as Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia was celebrated within Western Prelacy Churches with Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer.

H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy, delivered his message, and conducted Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer service at Holy Trinity Church in Fresno. H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, celebrated Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and conducted Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer service at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello.

At Holy Trinity Church, Parish Pastor Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Ashekian celebrated Divine Liturgy and assisted in the Pontifical Prayer service.

In his message, the Prelate highlighted our Pontiff’s faithful and devoted service to the Armenian Church and the Armenian people since his ordination to the priesthood 50 years ago, his visionary, dynamic, and bold leadership as Catholicos for the past 23 years, and his contributions to our nation as a scholar, educator, and champion of the Armenian Cause. His Eminence stated that His Holiness has built a legacy that will endure in the history of the Holy See of Cilicia, of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and in the ecumenical movement, for he has been and continues to be a prominent and respected figure not only in the Armenian Church but on the international stage.

Next, the Prelate delivered his sermon on the day’s Gospel reading from Matthew 14:13-21, the feeding of the five thousand, focusing on three lessons. The first is our Lord Jesus Christ’s infinite love and mercy for mankind. Second, that we need not worry, for the Lord will provide for all of our needs and with God even the impossible becomes possible. Third is that as children of God we too are commissioned to help our fellow man just as Jesus commissioned His disciples to feed the crowds. “May the message of this miracle and the Pontifical Prayer service be an occasion for us all to renew our obedience and faithfulness to God, our allegiance to the Holy See of Cilicia, and our commitment to serving God, the Armenian Church, and our fellow man,” stated the Prelate.

Citing from the Pontifical Prayer service, the Prelate concluded by praying for the Lord to bless His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and strengthen him in mind, body, and spirit, to fill us all with grace, wisdom, and prudence, and to bless, strengthen, and keep in peace the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Holy See of Cilicia, the Brotherhood, Prelacies, churches, clergy, and faithful worldwide, keeping us all under the protection of His holy and venerable cross.

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