Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayers on the 25th Anniversary of the Election and Consecration of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I

On the 25th anniversary of the election and consecration of His Holiness Aram I as Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, on Sunday, June 28, 2020, Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer will take place in all Catholicosate Prelacies, including the Western Prelacy. His Holiness was elected Catholicos on June 28, 1995 and consecrated on July 1st.

On this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will celebrate Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale, during which he will preside over the Pontifical Thanksgiving Prayer service with the participation of the Vicar General, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, and Religious Council Chair, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, and pastors, and will deliver his message.

On behalf of the clergy, Representative Assembly, Religious and Executive Councils, and faithful, the Prelate sent a congratulatory letter to His Holiness expressing well wishes and adding; “By the will of God and the confidence of the people, twenty-five years ago on this very day you were elected Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, and on July 1st you were consecrated, renewing your oath of service to our Lord, the Armenian Church, and the Armenian people. You have continuously inspired us with your fervor, service, and fatherly advice, always reminding us that our mission is service and Antelias our faith mission.

We congratulate His Holiness on this joyous occasion, wishing him a long and healthy life and many more years of leadership to the Armenian Apostolic Church, Great House of Cilicia, and the Armenian people.

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