Following the mass shooting in Las Vegas which claimed the lives of nearly 60 innocent concertgoers and injured over 500, on Monday, October 2, 2017, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, sent letters of condolence and solidarity to Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval and Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman.
“Our hearts are filled with sorrow at the horrific attack in Las Vegas which claimed the lives of scores of innocent concertgoers and injured hundreds more who had simply gathered for an enjoyable evening of entertainment. On behalf of the Western Prelacy family, we convey our profound condolences on this tragic and senseless shooting which stunned your state and indeed the entire nation. We express our solidarity to you all through our thoughts and prayers, and we pray for peace, goodness, and goodwill toward our fellow man to reign in this great country,” wrote the Prelate.
On Sunday, October 8, “Der Voghormya” prayers will be offered in all Prelacy Churches, beseeching the Lord to grant peace to the souls of the deceased, hasten the healing of the wounded, and bring comfort to the victims’ families. The Prelate will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County.
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