Prelate and Executive Council meet with Boards of Trustees of Prelacy Parishes

In the past month, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and Executive Council have been visiting Prelacy parishes to meet with Boards of Trustees and discuss issues pertaining to each respective parish.

The main purpose of these visits is for the new Executive Council (elected at the Representatives Assembly in April), to become acquainted with the representatives of each church, and also to gain information about the activities and endeavors of each parish community.

The first of these meetings took place nearly a month ago with Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County and the North Hollywood Parish.

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012, the Prelate and Executive Council met with the Board of Trustees and Delegates of St. Sarkis Church in Pasadena. During their discussion, great consideration was given to youth and Sunday School activities, and the importance of strengthening these fields of activity.

The visits will continue in the coming weeks and will cover all Prelacy Churches and parishes.

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