Prelate Celebrates Divine Liturgy at the Crescenta Valley Church on the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak

On the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak, and by the invitation of the Crescenta Valley Church Parish Pastor and Board of Trustees, on Sunday, September 30, 2018, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at the Crescenta Valley Church. Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian and deacons assisted at the altar. Among the faithful in attendance were Delegates, Board of Trustees members, and representatives of sister organizations.

The Prelate began his sermon by giving a historical overview of the Feast, noting that it was in the second half of the seventh century, during a period of great hardship and turbulence for the Armenian people due to a series of wars in defense of our lands and Christian faith, when the vision of the Holy Cross appeared in the sky. “The Holy Cross is a refuge when we see in it the love and grace of God. It is hope, light, and peace, and the greatest symbol of Christ’s sacrifice. Throughout our history the Armenian people have demonstrated deep love and trust in the power of the Cross. God blessed the hermits on Mount Varak with the privilege of witnessing the site of the Cross because of their incessant prayers which were sincere, filled with love and true faith. St. Gregory the Illuminator, St. Mesrob Mashdots, Ghevont Yerets, St. Vartan, and others in our history also received answers to their sincere prayers. Thus, in their example let us pray sincerely and incessantly. As the Lord’s will is done in heaven and on earth, let God make us worthy to see the Light of the Cross and reside in our hearts and souls,” stated the Prelate. At the conclusion of the sermon, His Eminence blessed two staffs donated by a faithful family.

Later in the service, on behalf of the parish family Fr. Ghevont thanked the Prelate for celebrating Divine Liturgy and delivering his inspiring sermon, and asked the faithful to pray for God to bless His Eminence with a long and healthy life and many more years of service.

Requiem service followed. At the conclusion of the service, the Prelate blessed a memorial meal offered for the soul of Hagop Pilavjian. The day concluded with the singing of Cilicia and “Heavenly King” hymn and the benediction by the Prelate. Afterward, Sunday School students gathered at “St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen” Chapel where they received the Prelate’s blessings.

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