On Sunday, April 27, 2014, the first Sunday after Easter, in keeping with tradition H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at the Armenian Apostolic Church of North Hollywood.
Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian and Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian participated in the service.
Prior to the sermon, the Prelate first conveyed his Easter blessings to the faithful. He then delivered his message of the meaning of the day’s designation as New Sunday, also called Second Easter, or the Sunday of Thomas. The Prelate reflected on how the disciples were filled with new and added joy when the Risen Christ appeared to them on many occasions after His Glorious Resurrection. As for the Thomas, His Eminence stated Thomas did not falter in his faith, but like his fellow disciples, he too wanted to encounter the Risen Christ himself rather than hear from others, and to experience the joy they were experiencing. That is why he wanted to personally see and touch the wounds of Jesus. And when he did touch Jesus, Christ touched his heart and souls, and he experienced a new level of joy. In conclusion, the Prelate invited the faithful to be transformed with new life and new joy by the Lord’s Resurrection and His triumph over death, and to experience a Second Easter as did the disciples upon seeing our Risen Lord.
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His Eminence then presided over the requiem service. By the request of the ARF “Papken Siuni” Gomideh, ARS “Meghri” Chapter, and Homenetmen “Javakhk
Chapter, prayers were offered for the souls of Armenian Genocide martyrs. And in all Prelacy Churches, on this day requiem prayers were offered in memory of all Board of Trustees members, Delegates, and church servants of the Prelacy. The service came to a close with “Cilicia” and the Armenian national anthem.
A luncheon organized by the Board of Trustees and hosted by the local ARF, ARS, and Homenetmen chapters followed at the church hall. Board of Trustees Chairman Mr. Harut Tarpinian welcomed the guests and conveyed gratitude to the Prelate for being with the community. A cultural program of poetry and songs followed, after which Fr. Muron addressed the gathering, also thanking His Eminence for his paternal care and guidance.
The Prelate commended the efforts of the Board of Trustees and the support of the faithful community, and advised for practical steps to be implemented to ensure that the parish flourishes and is able to provide the community with its own church in the near future.