Prelate Celebrates Palm Sunday at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale

Sunday, March 29, 2015 was the joyful celebration of Palm Sunday, the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It was the feast of Passover and thousands of pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem to witness the coming of the King, the fulfillment of prophecy. Young and old alike enthusiastically welcomed the Lord, waving palms and olive branches and proclaiming, “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,”

H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale. The traditional children’s procession took place prior to the sermon with the participation of hundreds of young children and their parents. The Prelate exited from the main entry and circled the courtyard, blessing young and old, before returning to the church. The young children then assembled before the altar to hear the Prelate’s message.

His Eminence stated that Palm Sunday is not only a day in history, but also an experience that can be relived daily by welcoming Christ in our hearts. Each and every time we call out “Hosanna” in the example of the innocent children, Christ will transform our souls and beings into a Jerusalem, a city of peace. The Prelate reflected on the children’s pure love toward Jesus and angelic innocence, noting that alongside them and the kind elders were groups of Scribes and Pharisees who opposed Christ.
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We must ask ourselves, “which group do we belong to?” said the Prelate. Referencing the Armenian Genocide centennial, the Prelate noted that one hundred years ago Palm Sunday and Easter fell on the last Sunday of March and the first Sunday of April respectively, exactly as this year. Shortly after however, the massacre of our ancestors began. Strengthened by the message of the Resurrection, and in the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, we the Armenian nation was resurrected and rebuilt, concluded His Eminence.

The celebration concluded with the Opening of the Portals ceremony conducted by the Prelate. During the service, which symbolizes the Second Coming of Christ, prayers were offered beseeching our merciful Lord to open before us repentant sinners the gates of His kingdom. Palms and brances in hand, the faithful departed to their homes to spread the joyful message of Palm Sunday to their loved ones.

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