On Sunday, September 16, 2012, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was celebrated in Prelacy Churches with Divine Liturgy, the Blessing of the Four Corners of the Earth service, and the blessing of basil. The Feast is also the name-day of Holy Cross Cathedral of Montebello.
On this occasion, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate celebrated Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and conducted the blessing of madagh and basil at Holy Cross Cathedral.
As the choir sang the “Hrashapar” hymn, the Prelate was led in a procession onto the altar to begin the Liturgy.
The Prelate began his sermon by first giving a brief background on the various feasts celebrated in the Armenian Church dedicated to the Holy Cross, and on unique traditions of the Armenian Church with regards to the day’s Feast. Referring to the Holy Cross as the core of Christianity and the symbol of the promise of salvation, the Prelate reflected on the deep meaning and significance of the Cross to faithful Christians. “The Cross is the perfect demonstration of the immense depth of God’s love for us, His children. It signifies victory, a victory that we would be unable to win for ourselves, freedom from sin, and triumph over death. It is a weapon against enemies, protection for those who believe, and comfort to those who fear. It is life-giving, which indeed is a great message of hope for mankind”, stated the Prelate.
At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the Prelate conducted the Blessing of the Four Corners of the Earth, which is a ceremony of blessing and glorification to God for His bounty, His goodness and abundance throughout the world, and then blessed the basil which the faithful took home with them.
The Prelate was then led in a procession to “Bagramian” Hall where the blessing of madagh took place, which is the commemorating of the departed through requiem service.
A traditional luncheon followed at the hall organized by the Parish Ladies Guild.
Given that the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is the first day of Sunday School classes after the summer break, Sunday school students participated in the Divine Liturgy of their local Churches and received Holy Communion to start the new academic year.