Prelate Expresses Condolences and Solidarity Following Terrorist Attack on Coptic Church

Following the horrific attack on St. Peter’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Cairo on Sunday, December 11, 2016 which claimed the lives of at least 25 and injured dozens more, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, sent a letter of condolence and solidarity to His Grace Bishop Serapion, head of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles.

The letter read;

We extend our deepest sympathies to Your Grace and to Coptic Orthodox faithful worldwide following Sunday’s vicious and cowardly attack on innocent worshippers at St. Peter’s Church in Cairo. We are appalled by the ongoing spate of attacks on the country’s Christian population and we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ, for “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26).

We pray for our merciful Lord to grant eternal rest to the souls of His children, to hasten the healing of the wounded, and to grant peace and comfort to their families and loved ones. May the protective hand and watchful eye of our Lord be upon His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the embattled Coptic Orthodox community as we pray for an end to sectarian persecution and violence across the Middle East and for the day when all peoples can coexist peacefully with tolerance and mutual respect.


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