Sunday, July 31, 2016, was a memorable day for St. Mary’s Church in Glendale as H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who had returned from his trip to Antelias the day before, presided over Divine Liturgy and conducted the ordination of fourteen acolytes. Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian. Also on this day, by the directive of the Prelate, requiem prayers were offered in all Prelacy Churches in memory of Archpriest Fr. Mesrob Tashjian and the young men of the Lisbon 5. Members of the Executive Council, ARF Western Region Central Committee, and community organizations attended the service at St. Mary’s Church.
The candidates for ordination were Sarkis Ovayan, Alex Sandaljian, Michael Simonian, Hagop Naljian, Hovhannes Majarian, Mesia Movsesian, Hovhannes Hovasapian, Shant Sandaljian, Garo Naljian, Saro Sandaljian, Kevork Majarian, Khatchadour Cherkezian, Khatchig Hovasapian, and Arshen Charmahali. The ceremony was comprised of hymns, prayers, and Gospel readings. As the young men knelt before the Prelate upon the altar, they were bestowed the four ranks of an acolyte as His Eminence prayed for the Holy Spirit to cleanse and guide them in their service.
The Prelate began his message by giving thanks for the rising number of young people especially serving within our churches. His Eminence congratulated the new acolytes, and referencing the Scripture passage that he who is faithful with little will be given much, exhorted them to serve our Lord and church faithfully and become worthy of higher ranks.
Highlighting the importance of service, the Prelate paid tribute to the late Archpriest Fr. Mesrob Tashjian, whose last unction was conducted on the same altar two days prior, as “a true, faithful, and upright servant of our Lord who devoted his life for the progress of the Armenian Church and people.” His Eminence also paid tribute to the Lisbon 5, who thirty-three years ago sacrificed their lives to bring recognition and justice to our cause. Finally, the Prelate tied in the importance of service and sacrifice with the day’s Gospel reading from 2 Timothy 2:15, which advises that we be diligent in being good workers for God, encouraging the faithful to serve and contribute to the advancement of our church and nation.
Requiem service followed.