Prelate Presides over Divine Liturgy at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello

On Sunday, July 7, 2019, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello. The celebrant was Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian.

In his sermon, his Eminence reflected on the feast of the discovery of the relics of St. Gregory, which was observed the day prior, emphasizing his Christ-centric life and service. The Prelate made a parallel with the Gospel reading of the day from Matthew 12:38-42, highlighting the importance of faith and exhorting that our faith should not be based on the expectations of miracles: “We should not be like the Pharisees and act like those who refused to follow Christ faithfully unless He showed a sign… St. Gregory the Illuminator received a miraculous sign, the vision of Christ descending from heaven with a golden hammer in His hand instructing him where to build the first Church. We, too, have received a sign, the most miraculous sign of all, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Following the service, the Prelate and Fr. Muron met with young adults who will represent our Prelacy at the Summer Youth Academy organized by the Holy See of Cilicia Christian Education Department from August 5-18. The participants are Shahan Atmajian, Karen Aywazian, Lara Demirjian, Vana Demirjian, Hovig Tchagaspanian, and Paren Der Bedrossian. His Eminence commended the participants, stressing that such courses are vital in order to educate our youth with our religious values and make them more involved in our Church life and service to our Prelacy.
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He presented to them the agenda of the course, which consists of numerous subjects including but not limited to history of the Armenian Church, Bible Study, commentary on the Divine Liturgy, religious services, ecumenism, and inter-faith dialogue. Participants received resource material prepared by Fr. Muron biblical and ecclesiological matters.

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