Prelate Presides over First Sunrise Service and Great Lent Luncheon at Holy Martyrs Church

On Wednesday, March 1st, 2017, the first Sunrise Service of Great Lent was conducted in Prelacy Churches, with H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presiding over the service and delivering his message at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Ferrahian School sophomores and seniors attended the service, alongside parish Ladies Guild members, ARS Regional Executive and local “Anahid” Chapter members, and faithful.

The Prelate spoke on the meaning and significance of Great Lent as a unique time of introspection, spiritual renewal and rejuvenation, and physical and internal reformation, as well as a reminder to live a God-pleasing life according to His commandments.
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His Eminence told of the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, in which the Pharisee presents himself before God as more righteous than others because in his eyes he keeps all of God’s commandments, while the tax collector comes before God humbly and repentantly with the awareness that he is a sinner. In the end, it was the tax collector who was exalted before God, for “everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” The Prelate urged the faithful to follow in the example of the tax collector, during Great Lent and beyond.

The annual traditional Great Lent luncheon hosted by the ARS “Anahid” Chapter followed at “Dikranian” Hall. Following the blessing of tables by the Prelate, Chapter Chairlady Mrs. Ankine Agopian welcomed the guests. The luncheon featured songs and recitations by Ferrahian High School students.

The Prelate began his message by commending the ARS members for their dedicated service and then focused on the Great Lent message of renewal and revitalization, inviting the guests to introspection and spiritual renewal not only during Great Lent but throughout the year.

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