Prelate Presides over Holy Tuesday Commemoration at St. Mary’s Church

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Holy Tuesday, the Parable of the Ten Maidens was commemorated in Prelacy Churches. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Holy Tuesday service at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale and delivered his message on this occasion. Parish Pastors, deacons, and acolytes participated in the service. Ten Sunday School students, lamps in hand, represented the Ten Maidens of the parable.
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Homenetmen scouts were also in attendance.

The Gospel reading from Matthew narrating the Parable of the Ten Maidens was read by the Prelate, during which five of the Sunday School students put out their lamps, representing the five foolish maidens who did not take extra oil with them and were thus unable to greet the bridegroom.

After the Gospel reading, His Eminence called on the five students to relight their lamps and commended their participation, stating that they are all wise maidens. “O Lord, grant us alertness and illuminate our spirits,” beseeched the Prelate, and noted that the day’s hymns and Gospel readings on the Parable of the Ten Maidens should serve as a daily reminder and a lesson to heed God’s commandments so that our hearts and souls are ready and prepared at any moment to welcome the Second Coming of Christ.

The Prelate concluded his sermon with a message for the Sunday School students to always be prepared to follow Christ’s commandments, and for the glow of their faith and faithfulness to illuminate their surroundings.

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