Prelate Salutes German Parliament’s Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

Following the historic vote by the German Parliament on Thursday, June 2, 2016 recognizing the Armenian Genocide, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I sent a letter to H.E. Chancellor Angela Merkel commending the bold decision, in which he stated “The resolution of the German Bundestag declaring the massacre of Armenians by the Ottomans Genocide is an act of historical significance. It demonstrates the commitment of Germany to human rights and shows the world the responsible way of dealing with one’s own past.”

The same day, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, sent a letter to the Honorable Hans Jörg Neumann, Consul General of Germany in Los Angeles, in which he conveyed the gratitude of the Western Prelacy family for the Parliament’s historic, bold and righteous vote not only recognizing the Armenian Genocide but also acknowledging the German government’s inaction at the time.

“We are so pleased and deeply moved by the nearly unanimous adoption of this principled resolution, especially in light of admonitions by the Turkish government leading up to the vote. It is a triumph not only for the Armenian people but for all victims of Genocide, as it sends a powerful and resounding message to the world that the past cannot be ignored and justice cannot be denied no matter how much time has passed,” stated the Prelate, and expressed hope that the vote will inspire and encourage other nations to follow in their example.

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