On Saturday, February 16, 2019, the Armenian Apostolic Church will commemorate the Feast of St. Sarkis the Commander, his son Mardiros, and their fourteen soldiers, which is the name-day of St.
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Sarkis Church of Pasadena.
On this occasion, on Sunday, February 17, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will celebrate Divine Liturgy, deliver the sermon, and conduct the blessing of madagh at St. Sarkis Church.
At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, requiem prayers will be offered for the souls of the first parish pastor, Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Antreassian, Delegates, Board of Trustees and Ladies Guild members, and all departed church servants.
A special service dedicated to the feast will be held on Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m.