Prelate Visits California Armenian Home in Fresno


On Thursday, April 18, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, arrived in Fresno for the 41st Representatives Assembly, which convened on Friday, April 19 and concluded on Saturday, April 20.

While in Fresno, the Prelate paid a visit to the California Armenian Home where he met with Director Yuba Radojkovich, Chair Lucy Kazanjian-Grayson, Board members Jack Kazanjian and Edward Hokokian, and residents.   His Eminence was accompanied by Holy Trinity Church Pastor Rev. Fr. Vahan Gosdanian and Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Varoujan Der Simonian.

FresnoNursingHome1The administrators and board members presented an overview of the services they provide to the elderly residents, which the Prelate commended.  His Eminence then visited residents and patients, blessing them and offering prayers for health.  A luncheon followed, which began with the Prelate’s invocation.

The Prelate also visited the office of the Ani Guild, whose mission is to promote and advance the mission of the California Armenian Home, and met with representatives.

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