Prelate Visits St. Sarkis Church Vacation Bible School

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, visited St.
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Sarkis Church in Pasadena and conveyed his blessings and message to the young participants of the 7th annual Vacation Bible School organized by the Parish Pastor and Board of Trustees.

Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan welcomed His Eminence and briefly went over the curriculum. The students wonderfully presented a number of the hymns, psalms, and prayers they have learned thus far.

The Prelate commended the organizers for their hard work and efforts. He spoke to the childrwn about the importance of giving thanks to God for our every blessing and taught them the prayer that is recited after a meal.

At the conclusion of the program, His Eminence blessed the students and gifted mementos, after which he visited “Andonian” Hall where the students had displayed their artwork.

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