Prelate Visits St. Sarkis Church Vacation Bible School

St. Sarkis Church of Pasadena this year had organized a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for youth which consisted of Bible stories, Psalm readings, prayers, singing, games, and fun and educational activities. The inaugural VBS, titled “Fishers of Men”, was held in four one-week sessions, beginning on July 16 and concluding on August 10, 2012. This new initiative was sponsored by the Church Board of Trustees and organized by the Sunday School.

H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, visited the students of the Vacation Bible School on the last day, Friday, August 10, delivered his message to the youth, and witnessed what they had learned in the program. Upon his arrival the Prelate was welcomed by Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Khoren Babochian, Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Hagop Avedikian, Sunday School Director Mrs. Taline Zomdjian-Naccashian, teachers, and students.

The students sang hymns and recited prayers for the Prelate, after which they had the opportunity to ask His Eminence questions. The Prelate applauded the students for dedicating a portion of their summer for their spiritual nourishment, and presented them with mementos in commendation of their participation. He also had the students promise that they would encourage their parents to take them to church and to serve our church. His Eminence also commended the Sunday School Director and teachers for devoting their time and efforts to teaching our youth the Bible and about the Armenian Church.

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