Prelate Welcomes Hamazkayin Sos Sargsyan State Theater Company Members

On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, welcomed members of the Hamazkayin Sos Sargsyan State Theater Company from Armenia, led by Vartan Mkrtchyan and accompanied by Hamazkayin Western U.S. Regional Executive members. The troupe was invited to Los Angeles by the Hamakzayin Western Region Executive for a five day festival of Armenian theater in celebration of the 85th anniversary of Hamazkayin Educational and Cultural Society.  Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian joined the Prelate in the meeting.

The Prelate welcomed the guests to Los Angeles, first expressing condolences on the recent passing of their famed artistic director and State Theater Company founder Sos Sargsyan.  His Eminence also wished them success in their performances over the five-day festival and for the influence and legacy of Sos Sargsyan to endure forevermore.

The guests gave an overview on the founding of the State Theater Company and its successes since, stating that in the 1991, while Armenia was in turbulent state, Sos Sargsyan founded the theater company with the main purpose of contributing to the rebuilding of Armenia through the arts.  The troupe, which is composed mainly of youth, continued to grow under the leadership and guidance of its founder, and was reorganized in the year 2000.  The guests also elaborated on the four pieces they will perform at the festival, discussed theater life in Armenia and challenges they have faced and overcome, and the continued advancement of the State Theater Company, which since 2003 has been under the auspices of the government.  They also reported that two years ago the government allotted the group land where they will build a new theater.

The Prelate wished them success in all their performances, commended the Hamazkayin Western Region for this initiative, and wished them continued successes in years to come.

In conclusion, the Prelate recited a requiem prayer for the soul of Sos Sargsyan, and noted that during his recent trip to Armenia to participate in the Bishops’ Synod, he had the opportunity to pay his respects at the viewing of Sos Sarsgyan and express condolences to his family.

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