Press Release – Vibrant Armenian, Lively Community

The Armenian Language Revitalization Committee (ALRC or Committee) was formed by the initiative and under auspices of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America.

The ALRC was formed based on the concern that Armenian does not appear to be regularly spoken in the day-to-day life of our younger generations. Accordingly, the ALRC’s initial effort was to create a master plan to encourage our youth to speak Armenian in their daily lives. The following is a summary of the activities recently undertaken, as well as a future plan of action.

In the first phase of the project, the Committee researched and evaluated the reasons behind the decline of the use of Armenian among the younger generations. The ALRC also analyzed the best practices of language vitality, as well as the specific multi-characteristics of the Diaspora. Based on these findings, the root cause of the problem was discovered, explored, and analyzed professionally.

The Committee believes that Armenian is, and will remain, a living language. The ALRC does not differentiate between Eastern and Western Armenian and/or different dialects, knowing that positive and proud usage of them is the initial condition of its existence and continuation. Therefore, the Committee has set its mission to plan and encourage activities and programs, and to secure the existence and usage of the Armenian language in the Diaspora. Another driving force in the formulation of these plans was the fact that speaking Armenian, besides being a wishful desire or goal, must become a day-to-day concern and included in the activities and plans of Armenian Diaspora organizations as well as individuals. The Committee’s main efforts are set to push its activities and plans to address this main concern with weighed statistical and measurable results.

After considerable research and analysis, a strategic plan has been developed which includes short and long term goals in different areas with multi-aspect targets. The cooperation and collaboration of all resources of the Armenian community are necessary for the successful implementation of these plans, as the solutions cannot be realized within a specific area standing alone or in isolation. Additionally, it is vital to utilize all technological means and resources available on the internet.

In subsequent phases of the project, the Committee will undertake necessary efforts for solicitation and incorporation of all available resources for implementation of the planned activities. For practicality, the ALRC will contact and seek the assistance of all those who are concerned with strengthening the mother tongue as a living language, especially in the Diaspora, and not only deeming this mission a slogan or motto.

To that effect, the Committee will contact all schools, organizations, and academic groups in the community seeking their cooperation and support of this national common concern. As part of this effort, it is necessary to organize the required manpower and human structures, as well as to generate required financial resources through fundraising programs.

Research and analysis will be a continuous effort, parallel to the implementation of the planned activities, with an open approach to incorporating new ideas and results of best practices for refinement and expansion of these plans.

The Committee will provide details of the programs as well as of upcoming events to the public in the near future.


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