Remembering Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian on the Second Anniversary of his Passing

On Sunday, July 29th, 2012, the two year anniversary of the passing of Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian was observed at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and presided over the requiem service which was held in the Church courtyard at the gravesite of the late Archbishop of blessed memory.

Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian.

The Prelate began his sermon by noting the two somber anniversaries which were being commemorated on that day, the two year anniversary of the passing of Archbishop Sumbat Serpazan and the 29th year anniversary of the martyrdom of the Lisbon 5. “It has now been two years since we lay to rest our much beloved, respected, and admired Sumbat Serpazan. We remember him as a humble and faithful servant of God, a true shepherd, a clergyman and spiritual leader who was a father and mentor to his faithful flock. He gave himself fully to the work of our Lord and to the spiritual needs of his congregation. To the generations of faithful whom he touched and inspired, his wisdom and teachings, and his fatherly love and care will never be forgotten. May his memory remain ever blessed as he rests in peace in the glory and kingdom of our Lord Almighty. “Today we remember also the young men of the Lisbon 5, who 29 years ago sacrificed their lives for the pursuit of the Armenian Cause. Young men who paid the ultimate price to avenge the unspeakable losses the Armenian people suffered during the Genocide, from human casualties, to loss of ancestral lands, and cultural losses. With their bold act, they proclaimed to the world that the Armenian people will never give up their struggle until we reach our goal of recognition, reparation, and justice. May they rest in peace in the heavenly sanctuary of our Lord, and may God guide us, a nation, to the fulfillment of our national rights and demands.”

Continuing his sermon, the Prelate reflected on the day’s Scripture reading from Matthew Chapter 19 Verses 3-12 in support of marriage. The Prelate noted that marriage and family is a sacred institution, a gift from God, and many problems we see in society can be traced to the breakdown on the home life. Thus, the Christian family is the key to ensuring that our home and community life remain healthy and strong, and in the Scriptures, there are many commandments and instructions on family life. “Christian based family values are the foundation of the Armenian family. They are the core of our nationhood and the key to our survival and perpetuation throughout the centuries despite the great struggles we continually faced against our faith and heritage. In the wisdom and example of our forefathers, and for the benefit of our future generations and the future of our nation and people, let us always heed God’s principles for family living, and build our families on the rock that is the Holy Scriptures”, concluded the Prelate.

On the same day, requiem prayers were also offered in Prelacy Churches in memory of the Lisbon 5, Sarkis Abrahamian, Setrak Ajemian, Vatche Daghlian, Ara Kuhrjulian, and Simon Yahniyan, and their ultimate sacrifice for the Armenian Cause. The Prelate’s message on this occasion was also read.

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