Requiem Service on the 7th Anniversary of the Passing of Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian

On Sunday, July 16, 2017, the eve of the Fast of Transfiguration, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello, after which requiem prayers were offered at the gravesite of Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian on the seventh anniversary of his passing. Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian. Parish Dean, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian and Very Rev. Fr. Jirayr Tashjian from the Diocese of France participated in the service.

The Prelate’s sermon was on the day’s Gospel reading from Matthew 14:13-21, the feeding of the five thousand by our Lord Jesus Christ. After giving a brief overview of the miracle, the Prelate expounded on the meaning and lessons of the reading, emphasizing first the boundless and unconditional compassion of our Lord evidenced through His healing of the sick, second, that we must cast all worry and doubt and turn to Christ in all circumstances or He will provide for all of our needs, third, that with God the impossible becomes possible, and finally, that we too are commissioned to help our fellow man in the example of our Lord. Thus, he urged the faithful to look to our Lord alone for strength, wisdom, courage, and comfort, and turn to Him to satiate our hunger and quench our thirst, for He is sufficient for all our needs and will abundantly bless us.

Next, the Prelate paid tribute to Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian, “a faithful servant who lived and served with absolute dependence on and trust in God alone, strengthened and nourished by the daily bread and living water of our Lord Jesus Christ.” His Eminence highlighted the legacy of Archbishop Lapajian as a good and true shepherd, an able spiritual leader, and a father figure to many, noting that he lived a purposeful life dedicated to glorifying God and building up our church. Finally, the Prelate announced that a Library-Museum is in the works adjacent to the Cathedral, regarding it a fitting and well-deserved tribute to a remarkable man who was such a beloved presence in the community.

On the eve of the fast of Transfiguration, the Prelate concluded his sermon by praying for the radiating Light of Christ to renew and empower all.

At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the Prelate, clergy, and congregation gathered at the gravesite of Archbishop Lapajian located outside the Cathedral, where prayers for the repose of his soul were conducted. A memorial reception followed.

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