Revealing of the Second Volume of Archbishop Krikor Chiftjian’s Book on Gharatagh at the Western Prelacy

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, under the auspices of H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, a book revealing event which was authored by H.E. Archbishop Krikor Chiftjian, Prelate of the Armenian Prelacy of Azerbaijan, took place in “Dikran and Zarouhi Der Ghazarian” Hall at the Western Prelacy. The book is dedicated to the Armenian villages and cultural heritage of the once Gharatagh region of the Armenian Prelacy of Atrpatakan (Azerbaijan.) The event was attended by clergy, members of the Executive Council, Rose and Alex Pilibos teachers, students, parents and culture-loving Armenians.

The evening was concluded by Bishop Donoyan’s heartfelt remarks, stating; “Archbishop Chiftjian has not only put the guidance of the people is not on his shoulders, but he is also a leader and guardian to the churches, tombstones, Armenian culture, and past history of the Prelacy in Azerbaijan.

Thereafter the Prelate invited H.E. Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian to deliver the benediction.

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