Rose and Alex Pilibos School Students Visit the Prelacy

Throughout the year, students from various Prelacy Schools visit the Prelacy on different occasions to become familiarized with the headquarters and its endeavors.

On the morning of Friday, March 1, 2013, seventy students from Rose and Alex Pilibos School fifth and seventh grade classes visited the Prelacy, where they were welcomed by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate.  His Eminence was joined by St. Garabed Church Pastor Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian, and Crescenta Valley Church Pastor Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian.

Upon their arrival the students first visited the “St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen” Chapel, then assembled at the “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall where the program began with the Lord’s Prayer and a hymn from the Lenten Sunrise Service.

A cultural program prepared by the students followed.

Seventh grade student Sevana Bardakjian served as the Master of Ceremonies and invited her fellow students to successively present their program.  Seta Kazarian thanked the Prelate for the welcome on behalf of the students.  A group of students recited religious poetry and sang the Cilician anthem with the accompaniment of their music teacher Lucine Galsdian on the piano, and two students conveyed remarks expressing what this visit means to them, how religious instruction impacts their lives, and their thoughts on Lent and on the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord to the Temple.

Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian explained to the students the mission of the Prelacy and Prelate, and its overseeing of our Churches and Schools, then invited the Prelate to deliver his message.

The Prelate greeted the students and teachers and commended the students on their presentations.  Going back to his days as a student, the Prelate related that when he was their age he also participated in a similar cultural program in which he portrayed Khrimian Hayrig, and which awakened in him the desire to become a clergyman and serve our Church and people.  He wished that today’s students are raised with the proper religious and national instruction so that they can grow into active servants and participants in our community life.

The Prelate also spoke on the meaning and message of Great Lent and on the “Year of the Armenian Mother” proclaimed by H.H. Catholicos Aram I, advising the students to write prayers for their mothers in appreciation for their love and instruction.  His Eminence concluded by commending Principal Dr. Alina Dorian and teachers for their initiative in organizing these productive visits.

The program came to a close with the Lord’s Prayer.  The Prelate presented the teachers and students with books and prayer cards, after which the students toured the building to become acquainted with the activities of each department.

Student visits will continue in the coming weeks.

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