On Sunday, October 30, 2016, a beautiful and fitting tribute to renowned poet and educator Jacques Hagopian was held at Glendale Presbyterian Church in celebration of the scholar’s 100th birthday and 80th anniversary of extraordinary service and contributions to Armenian poetry and literature. The event was held under the patronage of the Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles, under the auspices of the Western Prelacy, Western Diocese, Armenian Catholic Exarchate, and the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, and was organized by Mashdots College, in conjunction with a host of community organizations.
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and clergy attended. The program began with the national anthems of the U.S. and Armenia. The Prelate delivered the invocation. Mashdots College President Dr. Garbis Der Yeghiayan delivered opening remarks. The program featured tributes to the honoree by Prof. Osheen Keshishian and Dr. Ardem Sargsyan, a slide-show presentation of his Mr. Hagopian’s life, presentation of proclamations and commendations by clergy leaders, elected officials, community organizations, and cultural presentations including poetry, song, dance, and music. In addition to proclamations, Mr. Hagopian was awarded an honorary doctorate from Mashdots College.
The Prelate delivered his message, which he began by giving thanks to God for enhancing the life of the Armenian people with a poet, educator, and scholar like Jacques Hagopian, a “good and faithful servant” who has fruitfully utilized his God-given talents and dedicated 80 years of his life to our church and nation. His Eminence paid tribute to the distinguished educator, illustrious writer, and exemplary Christian, who has touched the lives of generations of Armenians and created a remarkable legacy.
On behalf of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the Prelate presented a letter of blessing and commendation to the honoree, in which our Pontiff paid homage to a man who entire life was devoted to our Lord, a man who glorified God through his writings and teachings, and whose guiding light, path, and purpose was God alone. Not only did you teach God’s Word, you lived it. Christ was the core of your being, the heart and inspiration for your service and works, and the Armenian spirit ran deep through your veins, stated His Holiness. In recent years, His Holiness had awarded the “St. Mesrob Mashdots” emblem to Mr. Hagopian in recognition for his vast contributions to Armenian culture.
The program concluded with remarks by Jacques Hagopian, who humbly thanked everyone for their kind words and commendations.