St. Sarkis Church Annual Banquet

On Saturday, December 9, 2017, the annual banquet of St. Sarkis Church of Pasadena was held under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, at “Great Caesar” Banquet Hall in Tujunga. The banquet was organized by the parish Pastor and Board of Trustees. Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, attended and conveyed the Prelate’s message. Among the guests in attendance were Executive Council member Mrs. Therese Kemanjian, parish and Tavlian School members, and representatives of sister organizations. The banquet’s main sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Hourig Baghdadlian.

The program began with opening remarks by Mistress of Ceremonies Mrs. Sona Kolkajian. The MC thanked all for their attendance and support, and thanked especially the Baghdadlian family and all the sponsors and donors. Noting that 2017 marked the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the Pasadena parish and the 12th anniversary of the consecration of St. Sarkis Church, the MC wished for continued successes and many more anniversaries for the parish.

Fr. Torkom and Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan delivered the invocation, after which Board of Trustees Chairman Mr. Koko Panossian delivered the Board’s message. Mr. Panossian expressed gratitude for the attendance of all, stating that the church grows and prospers owing to collective support and efforts, and urged for continued support for our spiritual home.

Fr. Torkom began his message by stating that a community remains strong and thrives, and maintains its Armenian and Christian identity with God’s presence. “We advance as a people and become more organized when we gather around the church and look to the church as the bastion and defender of our faith and values and serve with faith and devotion,” he stressed, and commended the Pastor, Delegates, Board of Trustees, Ladies Guild, and all the servers and volunteers who work together to keep the community strong and guarantee its prosperous future. “On this joyous occasion, may you be inspired to become even more strongly tied to your church. You build this church with your hard work and resources; may you continue to work hand in hand and heart to heart,” he concluded.

On this occasion, the Pastor and Board of Trustees had decided to honor individuals with twenty or more years of service to the parish. They were: Hagop Yedalian, Sarkis Dervishian, Mardiros Panossian, and Sona Badalian. Fr. Torkom, Fr. Boghos, and Mr. Panossian together presented plaques of commendation and appreciation to the honorees.

The evening continued with musical entertainment.
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