“Year of the Elder” Commemorated During Vigil Service at St. Mary’s Church

On the evening of Friday, March 28, 2014, a unique commemoration of the “Year of Elder” was held during Lenten Vigil Service at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale.  The service was presided over by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who also delivered his message to the large number of faithful in attendance.  Sunday School students participated in the service.
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2DSC02876In collaboration with the parish Pastors and Board of Trustees, the Sunday School had arranged to honor elders during the service.  Thus, in a spiritually moving ceremony, eight grandmothers and one grandfather, donning church robes, stood in two rows facing one another and took turns reading St. Nerses Shnorhali’s “I Confess with Faith.”

At the conclusion of the prayer reading, Sunday School Director Hagop Tchagaspanian reflected on the beautiful tradition set forth by His Holiness Aram I in 2003 to dedicate each year to a particular value of utmost importance to the Armenian Church and people.  “In response to this proclamation by His Holiness, St. Mary’s Church Sunday School also wanted to have apart in honoring our elders, and so, as representatives of three generations, we invited those grandparents who encouraged and led their children and later their grandchildren to Sunday School to receive Christian education’, stated Mr. Tchagaspanian.

Following the spiritual meditation, the Prelate addressed the faithful.  Citing passages from the proclamation of His Holiness, the Prelate spoke of the value of our elders in our individual and collective life, and thus, commended and blessed the Sunday School administration, teaching staff, students, parents, and grandparents.  His Eminence also invited grandparents to put in writing their wishes, advice, and prayers for their grandchildren, to be compiled and published by the Prelacy, just as the book of student prayers were published last year on the occasion of the “Year of the Armenian Mother”.

The special service and evening came to a close with the benediction by the Prelate.

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